Last week one primary teacher, teacher Sian who is most interested in environmental issue and help our projects, interviewed me. He asked me that what should we do not to rely on nuclear energy.
I think it was very good question, because the plan of nuke at Ubon province was suspended by accident in Japan.
but Thai government may restart nuke project to demand enough electricity for industrial development.
シアン先生が私に質問したのは、 Teacher Sian ask me about
1. タイ人は原発を受け入れるべきか?
Thai people must accept nuclear enegy or not?
2. もし原発を受け入れないのであれば、タイ国民はどうすれば原発に頼らずに済むのか?
If Thai people don't accept Nuke, what should we do not to rely on Nuke?
I have answers and also believe that Teacher Sian also have answers, but he want his students think about these issues. I also think that our students are very lucky because they are taught by teacher Sian.(Homeroom teacher would not change at Wardorf school, but every students meet teacher Sian at roong aroon)
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