"shanti yamaguchi" is japanese npo which is counter part of thai ngo "sikka asia". they have been supporting a life of hill tribe villagers in northern thailand. mr. teruo saeki, director of "shanty yamaguchi", designed "eco toilet" to improve the life of villagers. many "eco toilets" have already been installed in the villages.
mr.saeki's eco toilet make importance on effective use of resources. it even gathers methane gas from first anaerobic reactor and use it for cooking (only some toilets). after most of bacteria were killed and some organic matters might be decomposed in the next septic tanks, the septic water rich of organic matter permeate fields. microorganisms in the soil degrade the organic matter into compost to grow vegetables.
this excellent and simple water treatment system works effectively by anaerobic-aerobic microorganisms collaboration without electricity or any other energies.
why mr.saeki could create such a fantastic system? i think his idea were from "spirits of taking care of things" that all japanese had ever had before. the effective utilization of waste water to make gas and vegetables. dr.wangari maathai, nobel peace prize winner and environmental activist, were still impressed with our "mottainai" spirits.
the other excellence of the project is to build all eco toilets by mr.saeki and villagers. so all of them can learn how to make it by themselves. this project is managed directly by local residents. what is a carefully and warmly project it is!
eco toilets also has educational aspects to improve "spirits of taking care of things" and transmit to "next generation". dr. makoto owhashi's paper is going to be published on "japanese association for international health", march 2012.
heart comes first for science and technology.
"nuclear power plants" are huge monster created by scientific technology without "heart". 1 year past, still far from under control.
nuke is bigger than eco toilet. but i would like you to see the difference of "heart for science and technology" between "mr.saeki's eco toilets and nukes".