recently, people becoming interested in bio energy because of the exhaustion of fossil fuel. especially, people regard bioethanol as a clean energy because it's produced by plants.
does this bioethanol really have no problem? you'd ever heard news of sudden rise in corn price in because of using huge of corn for bio ethanol production, haven't you?
now GMO corn is grown for bio ethanol production. forests were cut and burned down, herbicides were applied to kill weeds. but only GMO corn survives because of its gene of resistance to herbicide.

but more than 10 years plantation of GMO corn occurred soil exhaustion and corn size became half. villagers' income also have decreased every year. and this deforestation could be a reason for flooding.
in this project, villagers don't have to give up GMO corn cultivation right now. they plant fruits trees between corns and try to reduce chemical usage. total corn production would be decreasing every year but the crop of fruits would increase so total income wouldn't fall down.
actually GMO corn cultivation should be given up for quick soil recovery, but it's impossible for villagers because their incomes would become zero for years.
i think ""shanty yamaguchi'"'s this project is also excellent because they give careful consideration to villagers' lives. you can see a detail of this project on "shanty yamaguchi"'s web site. http://www.shanti-yamaguchi.com/ (japanese only)