Environmental Project 環境プロジェクト
このブログは一人の環境活動家の視点から見た環境保全についての考えです。どうぞ気軽に見てください。 I'm an Japanese environmentalist. I hope many people would be interested in environment and nature.
夏の気持ち良い省電力 cold shower to save electricity
桜井サイエンスエンターテインメント成功 sakurAi Science Entertainment success
sakurAi Science Factory thanks you for joining us and hope you enjoyed sakurAi Entertainment in Thailand. we truly couldn't have achieved such success without your supports. thank you very much.
World Environment Day 2012 : BRAZIL 世界環境デー2012 ブラジル
the un environment program says that "green economy" could improve human happiness and social equity, while it reduces risks of environment and food shortages. in the other words, green economy is low carbon, resource efficient and socially inclusive.
actually, green economy lead to better income and employment of us by public and private investments that reduce carbon emission and pollution, enhance energy and resource efficiency, and prevent the loss of biodiversity and ecosystem services. these investigations should be supported by changing public expenditure, policy and system.
but what does all this for you? "does it include you"is the answer. green economy is all about us so we have to find out the answer of green economy by ourselves.
2012年6月6日(水)13-15時 ルンアルン学園(ラマ2世通り)
Eco toilet - NHK WORLD RADIO JAPAN - Script
japanese script of "eco-friendly toilet" of mr.teruo saeki, shanti yamaguchi foundation, introduced on nhk world radio japan.

mr.teruo saeki, a director of "shanty yamaguchi foundation" invented "eco-friendly toilet" and has installed lots of toilets for hmong villagers, phayao province, thailand. his excellent toilet is going to be introduced on "NHK WORLD RADIO JAPAN" on april 19, 2012.
he was also introduced as "god of eco toilet"on "tokyo newspaper".
森林破壊への取り組み restoration project recovering forests
recently, people becoming interested in bio energy because of the exhaustion of fossil fuel. especially, people regard bioethanol as a clean energy because it's produced by plants.
does this bioethanol really have no problem? you'd ever heard news of sudden rise in corn price in because of using huge of corn for bio ethanol production, haven't you?
now GMO corn is grown for bio ethanol production. forests were cut and burned down, herbicides were applied to kill weeds. but only GMO corn survives because of its gene of resistance to herbicide.
but more than 10 years plantation of GMO corn occurred soil exhaustion and corn size became half. villagers' income also have decreased every year. and this deforestation could be a reason for flooding.

japanese npo,"shanty yamaguchi"(http://www.shanti-yamaguchi.com/) is carrying out a project to convert GMO corn to fruits. now many kinds of fruits are planting to examine their aptitudes for environment.

in this project, villagers don't have to give up GMO corn cultivation right now. they plant fruits trees between corns and try to reduce chemical usage. total corn production would be decreasing every year but the crop of fruits would increase so total income wouldn't fall down.
actually GMO corn cultivation should be given up for quick soil recovery, but it's impossible for villagers because their incomes would become zero for years.
i think ""shanty yamaguchi'"'s this project is also excellent because they give careful consideration to villagers' lives. you can see a detail of this project on "shanty yamaguchi"'s web site. http://www.shanti-yamaguchi.com/ (japanese only)
アースアワー2012 Earth Hour 2012

earth hour 2012 will take place on tomorrow, march 31st 2012 from 20.30 to 21.30.
more than 5,200 cities and towns in 135 countries worldwide switched off their lights for Earth Hour 2011, sending a powerful message for action on climate change.
but i started "my earth hour" last week (not every day) and i could think many things during turning off my lights. i even did meditation and those 1 hour activities are very good time for me.
i think that we should spent more time for conversation with your family or friends and even for meditation. because these activities can improve our imaginations. but now we spend much time for watching t.v., playing games and internet etc. which spoil our imaginations. these technology give us much knowledge but not give deep wisdom.
佐伯さん『エコトイレの神様』"God of Eco toilet"

"shanti yamaguchi" is japanese npo which is counter part of thai ngo "sikka asia". they have been supporting a life of hill tribe villagers in northern thailand. mr. teruo saeki, director of "shanty yamaguchi", designed "eco toilet" to improve the life of villagers. many "eco toilets" have already been installed in the villages.
mr.saeki's eco toilet make importance on effective use of resources. it even gathers methane gas from first anaerobic reactor and use it for cooking (only some toilets). after most of bacteria were killed and some organic matters might be decomposed in the next septic tanks, the septic water rich of organic matter permeate fields. microorganisms in the soil degrade the organic matter into compost to grow vegetables.
this excellent and simple water treatment system works effectively by anaerobic-aerobic microorganisms collaboration without electricity or any other energies.
why mr.saeki could create such a fantastic system? i think his idea were from "spirits of taking care of things" that all japanese had ever had before. the effective utilization of waste water to make gas and vegetables. dr.wangari maathai, nobel peace prize winner and environmental activist, were still impressed with our "mottainai" spirits.
the other excellence of the project is to build all eco toilets by mr.saeki and villagers. so all of them can learn how to make it by themselves. this project is managed directly by local residents. what is a carefully and warmly project it is!
eco toilets also has educational aspects to improve "spirits of taking care of things" and transmit to "next generation". dr. makoto owhashi's paper is going to be published on "japanese association for international health", march 2012.
heart comes first for science and technology.
"nuclear power plants" are huge monster created by scientific technology without "heart". 1 year past, still far from under control.
nuke is bigger than eco toilet. but i would like you to see the difference of "heart for science and technology" between "mr.saeki's eco toilets and nukes".
震災より1年 1 year after disaster
march 11, 2012 was 1 year anniversary of earth quake, tsunami and nuke accident in japan. my senior lost his elder brother and many friends lost their houses because of disaster.
many countries abandoned their nuke plant because of fukushima's accident but japanese government still persists nuke project.
many japanese are concerned about the electricity shortage when nukes are stopped. but mr. koide at kyoto univ. says no electricity shortage occurs even all nuke are stopped. because capacities of fossil-fuel power plants are enough for our daily energy consumption. japanese government deceives us to continue nuke projects.
タイ洪水支援コンサート&寄付 Saw concert for flooding&Donation

タイ洪水支援コンサート Saw concert for flooding

洪水ボランティア volunteer for flooding
yesterday i worked as a volunteer at phraachan mitsuo foundation. that was the third time that i go there. i helped father yod's activity of making EM or microorganism. Em is useful to reduce a bad smell of waste water. another twice i helped making disaster rescue bags.
scientists cannot to find out the evidence of waste water purification potential of EM, so they don't accept it. i was also a biological researcher so i don't think waste water would be purified with EM.
1、COD BOD DOは改善されないが、汚水の悪臭は低減する。
but i think that EM has 2 good effects
1. it reduces a bad smell from the waste water even it cannot reduce COD and BOD level and no DO increasing.
2. EM activities can develop flood victims' quality of lives. because most of the people who are in the serious situation have mental problems. so some hopeful activities and helping each other would be good mental care.
被災民支援 "the way of effective microorganism"
activity to save the victims of flooding "the way of effective microorganism" was held at rachapat univ. phranakhorn campus, bkk. environment dept. members of roong aroon school also joined it to teach a garbage separating for recycling and how to make and use effective microorganism.
Our effective microorganism doesn't mix em from em co.ltd. so it's comfortable for this situation. i hope the residents use the effective microorganism to reduce bad odor from waste water.
but what we want residents to aware of is the environmental consciousness. people consider how to solve the problems after it happened. but i think if we managed the wastes more tidily, the problems couldn't be so serious like that and we didn't have to excuse some other people in the same country.
and i also think if thai people love their country and nature, the forests would not be destroyed so much. if it were not destroyed, flooding could not be so serious.

ロイグラトン Loi Kratong

the original meaning of Loi Kratong is to appriciate to the blessing of hte rivers. but most people forget the value of the rivers and nature. i think now is the time to re-recognise it. japan is one of the countries to have detroyed(is destroying) the forest in thailand,so i should give my thanks for the rivers.
環境への願い。environmental staff's spirits
last year, environmental dept. tried to clean up garbage since world environment day and gave information the amount of garbage per week. because there were huge garbage and wanna all roong aroon family be aware of environment and cleanness. after we started that clean up project every wednesday, amount of the garbage was decreased a little.
but after that, we didn't continued to clean up do often, because garbage was not so much and we believed that they don't throw the garbage anymore. but it was not truth...
and i started to clean up since sep. 14 2011 and some of our staffs helped me. so i asked one of the staff, P Mom how to give information to everyone in our school to join us.
he said to me,
"before we hope them to join us, we should consider that we fulfill our responsibilities or not. when we cleaned up last year, some of us sometimes didn't participate. never done all together. even our members don't fulfill our responsibilities, who wanna join us? and we should review one more time that why we do clean up? we clean up to keep our school comfortable, don't we? and if nobody help us, at least we realize the cleanness in our school."
don't forget our original intention. "environmental spirits"