

洪水ボランティア volunteer for flooding


yesterday i worked as a volunteer at phraachan mitsuo foundation. that was the third time that i go there. i helped father yod's activity of making EM or microorganism. Em is useful to reduce a bad smell of waste water. another twice i helped making disaster rescue bags.


scientists cannot to find out the evidence of waste water purification potential of EM, so they don't accept it. i was also a biological researcher so i don't think waste water would be purified with EM.


1、COD BOD DOは改善されないが、汚水の悪臭は低減する。


but i think that EM has 2 good effects

1. it reduces a bad smell from the waste water even it cannot reduce COD and BOD level and no DO increasing.

2. EM activities can develop flood victims' quality of lives. because most of the people who are in the serious situation have mental problems. so some hopeful activities and helping each other would be good mental care.


被災民支援 "the way of effective microorganism"


activity to save the victims of flooding "the way of effective microorganism" was held at rachapat univ. phranakhorn campus, bkk. environment dept. members of roong aroon school also joined it to teach a garbage separating for recycling and how to make and use effective microorganism.


Our effective microorganism doesn't mix em from em co.ltd. so it's comfortable for this situation. i hope the residents use the effective microorganism to reduce bad odor from waste water.


but what we want residents to aware of is the environmental consciousness. people consider how to solve the problems after it happened. but i think if we managed the wastes more tidily, the problems couldn't be so serious like that and we didn't have to excuse some other people in the same country.


and i also think if thai people love their country and nature, the forests would not be destroyed so much. if it were not destroyed, flooding could not be so serious.


ロイグラトン Loi Kratong


the original meaning of Loi Kratong is to appriciate to the blessing of hte rivers. but most people forget the value of the rivers and nature. i think now is the time to re-recognise it. japan is one of the countries to have detroyed(is destroying) the forest in thailand,so i should give my thanks for the rivers.





環境への願い。environmental staff's spirits


last year, environmental dept. tried to clean up garbage since world environment day and gave information the amount of garbage per week. because there were huge garbage and wanna all roong aroon family be aware of environment and cleanness. after we started that clean up project every wednesday, amount of the garbage was decreased a little.


but after that, we didn't continued to clean up do often, because garbage was not so much and we believed that they don't throw the garbage anymore. but it was not truth...



and i started to clean up since sep. 14 2011 and some of our staffs helped me. so i asked one of the staff, P Mom how to give information to everyone in our school to join us.

he said to me,

"before we hope them to join us, we should consider that we fulfill our responsibilities or not. when we cleaned up last year, some of us sometimes didn't participate. never done all together. even our members don't fulfill our responsibilities, who wanna join us? and we should review one more time that why we do clean up? we clean up to keep our school comfortable, don't we? and if nobody help us, at least we realize the cleanness in our school."


don't forget our original intention. "environmental spirits"


マタイ博士が亡くなった Dr.Maathai passed away


Dr. Wangari Muta Maathai, the 2004 Nobel Peace Laureate, passed away because of cancer on Sunday night. she is one of the most respectable person for me. so that is very sad news for me....about her great works, pls see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wangari_Maathai

ベジタリアン祭が始まった。vegetarian festa starts yesterday

vegetarian festival 2011 started yesterday in thailand.
we can see yellow frags and signboard "กินเจ or "eveywhere.

energy and water consumption for animal meat production is pretty higher than vegetable.
e.g. beef production requires 10 times water of vegetable.

if human become vegetarian(or reduce meat consumption), we can solve the global food shortage.






持続可能な生活 sustainable living-2

sustainable living for the people who live in apartment - 2

2. Corrugated fiberboard compost


持続可能な生活 sustainable living-1

i have some ideas to establish my sustainable living.

all i am doing for sustainable living are very easy,
even you don't live in the eco house, you do it.
but you have to know 2 things to success "sustainable living".

1. do what you can.
2. do continuously

i would like to introduce my sustainable living. even you live in an apartment, you can do them.

1. balcony gardening and kitchen gardening


省エネ energy conservation

Last week one primary teacher, teacher Sian who is most interested in environmental issue and help our projects, interviewed me. He asked me that what should we do not to rely on nuclear energy.

I think it was very good question, because the plan of nuke at Ubon province was suspended by accident in Japan.

but Thai government may restart nuke project to demand enough electricity for industrial development.

シアン先生が私に質問したのは、 Teacher Sian ask me about

1. タイ人は原発を受け入れるべきか?
Thai people must accept nuclear enegy or not?

2. もし原発を受け入れないのであれば、タイ国民はどうすれば原発に頼らずに済むのか?
If Thai people don't accept Nuke, what should we do not to rely on Nuke?

I have answers and also believe that Teacher Sian also have answers, but he want his students think about these issues. I also think that our students are very lucky because they are taught by teacher Sian.(Homeroom teacher would not change at Wardorf school, but every students meet teacher Sian at roong aroon)

続く.... Continue....


World Environment Day 世界環境デー

明日、2011年6月5日は、世界環境デーです。世界環境デーは世界の人々の環境活動を促進するために毎年行われています。今年の主催国はインドで、テーマは、"forests: nature at your service(森林:人々に役立つ自然)"です。


tomorrow, june 5, 2011 is world environment day(wed). wed is an annual event to promote the environmental actions of the people in the world. host country of wed in this year is india with the theme, "forests: nature at your service"

unep focuses both both conservation and sustainable use of forests to raise awareness on the serious impacts of deforestation in the world.





first seminar of "underground nuclear power plant promotion parliamentary group" was held on may 31 and about 20 diet members, including former pm yoshiro mori, attended it. the chairman takeo hiranuma said 'japan established the technology to create a large cave under the ground so it 's very meaningful for safety to build the underground nuclear power plant'


津波の恐怖 The fear of Tsunami


When I went to help clear sludge around the house, I heard a story of that house owner's wife. The day of Tsunami was happened, he and his daughter weren't home. When Tsunami occurred, mom was home alone and failed to escape. When the water level was up to 2m, she held on a beam of her house. After that water level was up to 3m, so she on tatami for 2 hours. It was very cold day and snowy. Rubbles and broken car and house pieces attacked on the pillar and broke them. But she was lucky not to hit by rubbles. If the rubbles hit her.... But can you image her fear and suffering. And we also know that there were lots of victims like her, and most of them died...


一般ボランティアができること What we can do dor them 1


Many people hesitate to go there to help victims, because they are afraid of disturbing the people there. Actually we can not help heavily damaged area but if some other areas where wasn't suffered so much, we can help them.


First we should pull the furniture, tatami, clothes etc. out of the house. They are that contaminated with sludge.


Next we should remove the sludge from the sea out of the house and around the house, because it smells petroleum. And the petroleum, chemicals and salt would damage their health and agriculture. But it's very difficult to remove all these substances from the soil.


After that we have to clean the house. If electricity is restored, we can use water injection machine. But If not yet, we have to clean with blush.




震災ボランティア Volunteer for disaster


I went to Higashi Matsushima city, Miyagi pref. to help disaster victims for a week. I lived in a tent and cleared away tsunami debris everyday. We did our best.


The situation in Higashi Matsushima was so bad, especially Nobiru area... That area was damages by tsunami. They thanked us but we could help no so much.


We couldn't help them so much. Because in Higashi Matsushima area volunteers work was limited to only 4 hours a day. Most of the volunteer workers were unsatisfied because 4 hours working is not enough to finish the item. Why the staffs limit the working hours of volunteer workers? Because they want us to finish the work before 15:00 to avoid their overtime work. If the volunteer working was finished 16:00 or 17:00, they couldn't finish their working before 17:00 because they have to make data base.


Even the time was not enough, we did our best.


I hope many people would be a volunteer worker because I think they still need more volunteer workers' help.


ボランティア Volunteer


I'm Mr. Hiroshi Iimura. I'm going back to Japan temporarily to support disaster victims. I go to Japan from May 2, 2011. But I have to change my schedule, because there are many volunteer workers now. So I decided to go to north-east from May 10. I don't know what I can do there, but I'll do my best for them.


And I have a good news! Bam Bam who is a exchange student of this year and his parents support my activity. Bam's parents gave some budget to support my expenses in Japan and also beautiful post cards that Bam made by himself to encourage the kids there. I think they love Bam's Post cards. Thank you very much


Actually this my individual activity, not roong aroon's project. but some people support me. Thank you very much.


アースデイ Earth Day


April 22nd. 2011 was a Earth Day and many event about environment was held at many countries all over the world.

『アースデイ』の今年のテーマは、"A Billion Acts of Green" ということで、2012年にブラジルのリオデジャネイロで行われる地球サミット2012(リオ+20)までに、環境保護に向けた10億人の誓い(公約)を集めることを目標にしています。

This year's Theme was "A Billion Acts of Green" to generate a billion acts of environmental service and advocacy before the global earth summit at Rio.


It is very important that every people in the world should remind about the importance of environmental protection and sustainability, not necessary to carry out a big project, just taking a bus instead of your car etc. It is very easy for you do it and would be grate successful if you collaborate with others.



In Yod Nam (=End of semester presentation) of Matthayom 5 (Grade 11), presentation themes of many groups were about envi
ronment issue and every student had a great success.


I was very pleasure that many students were interested in environment and also understood its importance because I also work for environment for many years.


I hope every student would be interested in Science and Environment forever...

落ち葉からバイオエタノール! Bio ethanol from dry leaves!

ガン! Cancer!

ヨガでアレルギーを治す。 Yoga to cure allergy

ソーラーセル Solar cell

水質浄化 Water purification


ご支援ありがとうございます。Thank you for Your Help!


Donation event for Japanese disasters was held at Roong Aroon School on March 31st. 2011. In this event, many parents, students and teachers worked as volunteers to raise subscriptions and many people made donations for japanese victims... Thank you for your help...


My mother is from north-eastern part of Japan and I also graduated from Tohoku Univ. in Sendai City... So some of my friends lost their relatives and some lost houses... I was very lucky because i didn't lose anyone. Since disaster has occurred, I tryed to encourage my friends, but sometimes I couldn't find words to encourage them because they were too sad...


But they have to make efforts to reconstruct their new lives. I believe that the donation by Roong Aroon School would help for them.

Thank you very much.





