

アースデイ Earth Day


April 22nd. 2011 was a Earth Day and many event about environment was held at many countries all over the world.

『アースデイ』の今年のテーマは、"A Billion Acts of Green" ということで、2012年にブラジルのリオデジャネイロで行われる地球サミット2012(リオ+20)までに、環境保護に向けた10億人の誓い(公約)を集めることを目標にしています。

This year's Theme was "A Billion Acts of Green" to generate a billion acts of environmental service and advocacy before the global earth summit at Rio.


It is very important that every people in the world should remind about the importance of environmental protection and sustainability, not necessary to carry out a big project, just taking a bus instead of your car etc. It is very easy for you do it and would be grate successful if you collaborate with others.



In Yod Nam (=End of semester presentation) of Matthayom 5 (Grade 11), presentation themes of many groups were about envi
ronment issue and every student had a great success.


I was very pleasure that many students were interested in environment and also understood its importance because I also work for environment for many years.


I hope every student would be interested in Science and Environment forever...

落ち葉からバイオエタノール! Bio ethanol from dry leaves!

ガン! Cancer!

ヨガでアレルギーを治す。 Yoga to cure allergy

ソーラーセル Solar cell

水質浄化 Water purification


ご支援ありがとうございます。Thank you for Your Help!


Donation event for Japanese disasters was held at Roong Aroon School on March 31st. 2011. In this event, many parents, students and teachers worked as volunteers to raise subscriptions and many people made donations for japanese victims... Thank you for your help...


My mother is from north-eastern part of Japan and I also graduated from Tohoku Univ. in Sendai City... So some of my friends lost their relatives and some lost houses... I was very lucky because i didn't lose anyone. Since disaster has occurred, I tryed to encourage my friends, but sometimes I couldn't find words to encourage them because they were too sad...


But they have to make efforts to reconstruct their new lives. I believe that the donation by Roong Aroon School would help for them.

Thank you very much.